Handling and caring for horses; organizing stable area, tack room, and barn; cleaning stalls, grounds, and paddock (mucking); maintaining tack and other equipment. Must be able to lift up to 40 lbs. Must attend Equine Program and Safety Procedures training. Approved volunteers will also choose to participate in at least one of the three opportunities:…
Did you know many of our children come from counties outside of the Northern Kentucky region? And sometimes, it is difficult for a child’s family to afford to put gas in their car and visit their child. Fuel cards and fast-food gift certificates are wonderful gifts you can provide for a child and their family.…
Duties include: Mowing, weeding, housekeeping, and professional quality painting.
Help move the ToolBank to its forever home! Our agency will be packing up more than 14,000 tools and equipment and moving to Roselawn to a bigger and better location. Not afraid to get your hands dirty, and does organizing give you joy? Well, the ToolBank is looking for your support to assist in many…
Help run sporting competitions.
Help care for the garden/landscaping (not mowing) at two of our shelters.
Help coordinate fundraising activities, such as: Piggest Raffle, Macy’s Rewards, Shamrock Shuffle, Kroger Rewards and others as defined. Coordination includes working with the sponsoring organization to sign up COJ, communicating with COJ member’s details of participation, keeping track of participants, finalizing final tally, Manning COJ booths and/or tables as needed. Sending thank you letters to…
We’ve kicked off a new project at the CGC: Treeforestation. We started this reforestation project to save and protect Cincinnati’s green spaces. We will begin by having a series of invasive removal workdays, and then will begin planting native trees. This is an ongoing project, and we could use your help!
Help with the flyering and set up of the Home Sweet Home events (August 29th-August 31st)
help with local events in the Cincinnati/NKY area. We have many third party events throughout the year and we would love to see new faces!